The Universal Energy Source

Shamanic Energy Healing is based on the irrefutable principles that the fundamental building block of the universe is a perpetual stream of unconditional love from which everything else emanates. Moreover, that unconditional love is enfolded into everything, everywhere, at all times at the quantum atomic level.

In the realm of quantum entanglement, this means that the nucleus of every particle has, at its core, a perpetual electro-magnetism that was created in and from an infinitely stretching field of unconditional love. Further, not only is unconditional love the primary creative force but it is also the only pure energy from which everything else evolved.

Understanding this truth and then embracing this immutable Law and ultimately applying it will profoundly change your life and redefine your relationship with your inner and outer worlds. It will transform your human and animal bonds and it will open you up to the highest frequencies of healing and creativity (in all of its forms) that is possible to receive.

Pets are teaching people this truth on every level imaginable and do so, if we are really paying attention, in every moment that he or she is in a state of playfulness. We don’t teach pets to love us unconditionally; they just do. This is one of the reasons why it hurts us so much to see our pet in a state of illness or injury. Even then, they are teaching us about our relationship to unconditional love.