Electromagnetism in Plain Sight: The Starling Murmuration

Nature is a remarkable teacher and once we begin to take notice of the signs that she provides and revere her tangible wisdom then we will finally begin to realize that anything is possible.

A starling murmuration is a spectacular example of what the human mind, body and spirit can do when it is trained properly. Starlings are natural exhibitors of this feat. They are the perfect examples of electromagnetic communication in flight. This is consciousness in motion.

There are several very prominent theories on the field of consciousness and how it's basis of function is electromagnetism. Rupert Sheldrake, David Bohm, Karl Pribram and others have provided a great deal of insight into this subject but because electromagnetism is essentially, the singularity, it will never be possible to apprehend it completely. 

The singularity means that there is only one in the Universe who will ever know what electromagnetism is and how it functions. It also means that atom, molecule in the Universe contains a trans-dimensional essence or piece of everything else in it; that is a holographic universe.

At the same time, we can still explore this force on our own and measure how it operates in our lives as we learn to work with it during periods of active and passive meditation and experience the weightlessness of our own bodies. 

There are ancient sects, like the Essenes, who understood thousands of years ago that the 'force' of electromagnetism was inherent in everything as a field of consciousness. 

Electromagnetism was such a powerful metaphor for the Esssenes that they believed the highest level adept could master his relationship with this force through levitation.

The Essenes understood that by becoming one with the singularity the adept could merge his consciousness with the mind of "The One". In so doing, once the adept had 'raised' his field of consciousness and overcame gravity, or the Mind, then he was able to levitate, hover, overcome the limitations of mass on this earthly plane.

This is a prime example of mind over matter in which the mind (electric) receives information regarding split second timing for receiving patterning that is in perfect harmony with the entire group through their bodies (magnetic) in flight. It would be impossible to create these patterns otherwise. 

So, the next time you see a starling murmuration, take a little time to appreciated what that these incredible birds are sharing with you; you are witnessing the magic of eletromagnetic concsiousness in physical motion.

Perhaps that is what the starlings excel at; the ability to receive and apply electromagnetic frequencies with an interpretation that is as fast or faster than the speed of light?

I hope that you enjoy this video of the Starling Murmuration; it is, for sure, a wonderful example of the holographic universe operating in plain sight.