About Mark

Mark Adams is a Certified Life Coach and Energy Healing Practitioner who is highly experienced in the technique of remotely clearing the human energy field and then transferring the healing power of electromagnetic energy. 

I have been curating this remote electromagnetic energetic healing practice for decades. My goal is that you will experience elevated levels of of health, healing, comfort, recovery and alignment throughout this process.

My healing technique is ideal for those who require an expediting in the repair of muscle, tendon and tissue tears/pulls.

I work remotely to heal people on issues related to physical injuries, pre-surgery intention, post-surgery recovery, realignment of the body following accidents and all instances of illness and/or trauma. I do this through photographs that you provide; all of this is explained on the site.

My approach to Energy Healing is unique but, as with all healers, it is essentially a process that is both intrinsic and then developed over years. 

This is a refined process of remote healing based on the extraction of lower, denser energy from the athlete's physical body and larger energy field. Once that discordant energy is removed/released, the 'empty space' is infused with a transference of pure electromagnetism.

This healing process was developed over several decades through learning how to remain in a conscious yet meditative state for hours. From this training I learned how to extract denser, negative energy from the physical/emotional/mental bodies and then infuse those extracted areas with the true healing agent: the healing frequency of the electromagnetism.

Electromagnetism is the highest form of healing energy when it is pure as this is the embodiment of unconditional love. The same intensity of 'love' that you have for your physical body and your sport is nothing in comparison to the power of pure unconditional love. 

"Unconditional love" might make you laugh, or feel uncomfortable, because that word is not understood in terms of its power. However, "unconditional love" is nothing to laugh at or reserve for certain things; it is literally the highest frequency of energy, motion, power and generative force there is.

At the conclusion of the session, you will be provided with a 'reading' of what has transpired during the healing process and a detailed diagram of where the work was directed to extract and infuse the electromagnetic energy on your body during the session.

Those who have experienced the power of my electromagnetic healing sessions understand the magnitude of what it provides. However, for any who is unaware of this 'hidden' science, I have created this website to provide more than enough information for a person to do his/her own research.

As with everything in life, those who are interested in being at the top of his or her game will do the work to educate himself or herself for the purposes of making the very best decisions. I would encourage you to do the same with the healing modality of the electromagnetic human body and the power it has to heal.

If a person can learn to train his or her mind to see the bigger picture about how things really work and apply the same principles across all areas of his or her life then this is how legitimate power and control manifest.

And, that power and control is through tapping into the unlimited generative force of unconditional love, or, what is known scientifically as electromagnetism.