The All Encompassing Electromagnetic Field
The basis of life is extraordinarily simple; the fundamental building blocks are nothing more than electromagnetism and the primordial elements. Electromagnetism is the quantum ‘force’ of life, a kind of indeterminately intelligent and creative plasma, that not only keeps everything in motion but is also the hidden intelligence behind that motion.
The magnificence of the design, which designates every animate and inanimate material or immaterial object as ‘non-binary’ is that we are all just temporary visitors in a Universe of binary polarities that allow us all, even our pets, to make choices.
The 'choosing' is part of that sacred dance of life and our pets have just as much of a role in choosing to come into our lives as we have in discovering them.
However, the brilliance of this intelligent design is unfathomably complex; the metaphysician would conceive of this intricate balance between the energy and the elements as that of boundless expansion expressing itself in perpetuity through an infinite sequencing of unlimited and unyielding combinations of matter, mind and spirit.
More to the point, the boundless expression of electromagnetism and the primordial elements is experienced as a non-binary participant in the Universe and our experience of such is known to us through the polarities of the magnetic attraction or repulsion towards or away from extremes.
The monad or ‘the One’ is electromagnetism, the polarities like North/South, East/West, Male/Female, Love/Hate, Expansion/Contraction, 1/0 and so on is ‘binary’ and the human experience that becomes an individual’s perspective between any/all of the polarities is completely ‘non-binary’. Yes, if you are an animate or inanimate object, you are non-binary.
he Electromagnetism that runs through you and your pet contains an essence or a fragment of the whole and can be found in every atom and molecule that is in existence wherever there are atoms and molecules to be found! This is why the electromagnetic field is indeterminate; it cannot be known for sure what it is because no one, but the Prime Creator or monad, has permission to know this.
That is the ‘mind of the Creator’ and while there are those who attempt to grasp it, it is hidden…for that very reason.
That is also how and why you are connected to everyone, everything, everywhere. It is what some, like the quantum physicist, David Bohm, have termed the holographic universe. Like all dualities in a Binary Construct, the Universe's nature is either purely good or purely bad; it cannot be both. Neither can it operate as sometimes unconditionally loving and at times judgement and authoritarian.
These are very important concepts to embrace because how a person chooses to 'know' the Universe at its core will impact every other experience a person has in his/her life. Keep this in mind, unconditional love requires that something has never, any time, ever held a judgement against another thought, thing, etc. So, for the Universe to be purely unconditional loving, then it means that it is pure love always and eternally; if it is not unconditional, then it is always judging. Period.
The fact that there is a soul essence or fragment of unconditional love within you and your pet makes it inextricably imbued in every other thing (animate or inanimate) everywhere in the Universe, then there is no separation from anything. In other words, when you love something else, you are sending love to yourself as well.
This is what makes humans and pets so extraordinary; they have the capacity to choose love and experience its effects through a transdimensional holographic, electromagnetic energy field that surrounds everything and everyone.
Transdimensional refers to the quantum theory of enfoldment in which something might to be extraordinarily small, like an atom or molecule, but, due to its multidimensional construct, it contains infinite stretches of portals that are connect to everything else throughout the Universe.
In other words, we think of 'wormholes' and portals as existing 'out there' when the 'out there' is inextricably entwined with our bodies here. For this reason, 'out there' is an electromagnetic circumference around our material body that extends several feet. This connects us with every other electromagnetic field to everything in the Universe no matter where it is.
This is the reason that you and your pet have been connected from even before the time that you physically met. You are, and have been, in each other's lives for a very profound, metaphysical reason. And, only you and your pet know why.
That is your shared eternal, indelible and sacred bond that can never be broken. And, as everything and everyone are holographically connected to everything else, when we send that energetic, healing love to others, they definitely sense it.
My philosophy is that the Universe is pure, unconditional love and that it is the human condition to be judge and jury always striving to arrive at the energy of unconditional love.
My role as a remote electromagnetic healer is to tap into the electromagnetic power which is the field of unconditional love which fuels the entire Universe. This electromagnetic field is holographic which is the reason that it can be remotely accessed and then transferred with precision to anyone, anywhere.