Life Coaching: The Universal Language of Creativity

Soul Translation was created to support the individual's journey to self-actualization.  The thesis is that everyone, regardless of geography, was born with the same innate, creative faculties: intuition, imagination, inspiration and intention.  There is also a degree of 'impedance' which is the individual's measuring of just how much of each of those faculties is being used at any given moment.

Whereas many people view their lives based squarely on what they are experiencing in the objective 'material world', they don't take into consideration that BEFORE there was anything material, it was first subjective and immaterial.  In other words, while the material world is finite and transient, the immaterial world of thought is mutable and eternal.

Soul Translation will explore your connection with your inner, introspective world before diving into your material, objective world.  The goal is to find balance and explore your creative faculties such that you are empowered, sovereign and living a life at your full potential.

In order to fully engage with your creative faculties, it is necessary to understand the Theory and Concepts behind The Universal Language of Creativity.  Those videos are essential viewing prior to working with the tools of the Method.

Are you ready to participate in the conscious evolution of your soul?  If so, welcome to Soul Translation.